It was the educational endeavours of mid-C19th unions which advocated for universal primary education. They believed that with increased literary among working people, more impactful mobilisation of labour was possible politically. In ways, this was true. But what the early unions didn't envision was how capitalists would shape the curriculum to inoculate children against class consciousness. The myth of meritocracy was born.
This work is vital. And we need to start thinking ahead about how to demand a national curriculum too that is radically democratic & supports the majority to resist oppression by the few.
It was the educational endeavours of mid-C19th unions which advocated for universal primary education. They believed that with increased literary among working people, more impactful mobilisation of labour was possible politically. In ways, this was true. But what the early unions didn't envision was how capitalists would shape the curriculum to inoculate children against class consciousness. The myth of meritocracy was born.
This work is vital. And we need to start thinking ahead about how to demand a national curriculum too that is radically democratic & supports the majority to resist oppression by the few.
Absolutely! Thanks for reading